My friend Kim loved the name Cordelia. This was in my pre-Nameberry days, and Cordelia‘s been off the Top 1000 since 1950: It certainly wasn’t a name that it occurred to me to love.
Still…..Cordelia. The more I thought about it, the more I loved Cordelia. Thanks, Kim, for the tip.
I might have liked Cordelia had I found it in a book or met someone with that name, but I believe my friend Kim‘s love for the name made me love it more. I admire Kim‘s taste in all things, from clothes to home decor to art. So if she loved Cordelia, I gave it more credibility as a wonderful, undiscovered name.
Other friends have influenced me to love the names Eliza and Daisy, affection I’ve passed on to the visitors of Nameberry and undoubtedly to more than a few baby girls.
What name have you come to love because a friend loved it….or even a virtual Nameberry friend?
Or maybe you read about a name here or on another blog or site and that made you fall in love….
What name did someone else make you love, who made you love it, and why?