Unisex Names
Unisex Names >
Should You Give a Girl a Boy’s Name?
Jul 27, 2024
  There’s a lively debate going on over on our bulletin boards about whether boys’ names really work for girls.  An item of particular contention: If a “geezer name” like Seymour or Murray isn’t good enough for a boy, why should it be good enough for a girl?   Good point, kind...
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Unique Baby Names
Jul 27, 2024
  Unique baby names are becoming more and more, well, common these days. A mere one percent of babies are named Emma or Jacob, the most popular names, and only about ten percent are given one of the Top Ten names.  Compare that to a hundred years ago, when FIVE percent of babies...
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Baby Name Trends: Gender Benders
Jul 27, 2024
  Kids who defy gender stereotypes – and how best to parent them – is a hot topic these days.  The New York Times recently featured a story on boys in tutus and girls with Mohawks on its front page.  And when the J. Crew catalog carried a photo spread of...
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High-Energy Names
Jul 27, 2024
  When I was expecting my first child, I wanted a name with a lot of energy, for reasons that seem insane from the perspective of having raised three kids. But I didn’t anticipate that a high-energy toddler might run me ragged; I just knew I wanted my little boy or...
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Popular Names: Nicknames Gone Wild
Jul 27, 2024
  How do you tell when popular names get too popular?   If a name is in the Top 10, it might be easy, but what if they’re further down the list….and how far is far enough? Judging popular names gets even more difficult when they’re short forms, maybe not so popular...
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Celebrity Baby Names: The Best, The Worst, The Weirdest and The Wildest of 2011
Jul 27, 2024
  2011 was quite a year for celebrity baby names, but then again, you could say that for every recent year.  Some stars this year mined new old-fashioned sources of inspiration, while others went wild with inventions of their own.  Here, the Nameberry Awards for the best, the worst, the weirdest,...
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Top Unisex Names 2011
Jul 27, 2024
  This year for the first time we’ve calculated a list of top unisex names 2011: names listed on Nameberry for both genders that are winning the highest number of page views.   Unisex name popularity is always tricky: Aren‘t most parents searching for top names Harper and Quinn interested in those...
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Gender-Neutral Names: The line continues to blur
Jul 27, 2024
  This week, Appellation Mountain’s Abby Sandel ventures into the blurry grey area of  newly discovered gender-neutral names.   It’s official! America’s favorite names are Charlotte and James. The top names for 2011 in Sweden? Alice and William. They’re classic appellations, at home across the centuries and in many languages.   They’re also...
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Unisex Names: Would you use one?
Jul 27, 2024
  As more and more names are crossing gender divides, with girls being named Maxwell and Monroe, and boy and girl Eastons and Wests, Sages and Sawyers, we’re not surprised to find that among the most persistent topics on the Nameberry forums are those having to do with gender–with very strong...
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Unisex Baby Names: The Nameberry 9–Blue, Brook and Sky
Jul 27, 2024
  In this week’s Nameberry 9, Appellation  Mountain ‘s Abby Sandel focuses on several interesting  unisex baby names in the news.   Few subjects are as divisive as gender neutral baby names, and yet I can’t stop talking about them.  Some of us deny their very existence.  Others are willing to call a...
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Unisex Names: Toward a Gender-Free Ideal?
Jul 27, 2024
  Unisex names and the question of whether a child’s gender should be evident via his or her name is one that comes up frequently on Nameberry.  It’s an issue that’s changed a lot over the years we’ve been writing about baby names and that varies substantially in different cultures.   Starting...
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Confessions of a Name Heretic–or, in defense of Jayden
Jul 27, 2024
  Watch out, Berries–today’s guest blogger, Claire Shefchik, has plenty of bones to pick!   Since the age of six, I’ve loved names.  Back then, whenever I renamed myself, I was Crystal (spelled Christal) and later, Jordan.  These days, I prefer Presley to Penelope, Jayden to Jasper.  In the novel I’m writing,...
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Unisex Baby Names: Emerson, Everly and more
Jul 27, 2024
  For the Nameberry 9 newsiest names of this week, Abby Sandel of Appellation Mountain  highlights some unisex baby names, interesting surname names and other novel choices.   By now, you’ve almost certainly heard about Blaer Bjarkardottir.   She’s just won the legal right to use her name.  Fifteen years ago, Blaer’s mom unknowingly...
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